6 May 2024

Register to provide feedabck on interim WA Abortion care clinical guidelines

The Department of Health is seeking interested people to register to provide feedback on the interim WA Abortion care clinical guidelines (PDF 2MB).

Health service providers, clinicians, administrators and other interested parties are encouraged to register their interest to provide feedback.

The intention is that feedback on the interim Abortion care clinical guidelines (PDF 2MB), will take place in October 2024, 6 months after legislation came into effect.

The guidelines are designed to assist healthcare professionals to provide care to women and pregnant people requesting an abortion. Over time this work is likely to evolve into a statewide standard of care

The WA Department of Health has released the Interim guidelines with permission and under license from Queensland Department of Health to reproduce and adapt the industry recognised guidelines: Clinical Guidelines – Termination of Pregnancy (Qld Guidelines).

There is a high level of confidence that the clinical information in the interim WA guidelines is valid and reliable. However, addition of culturally appropriate Aboriginal and culturally and linguistically diverse guidance, where care considerations may differ, would strengthen the WA guidelines.

To register your interest email direct to: HealthPolicy@health.wa.gov.au with the subject heading Interim WA Abortion care clinical guidelines feedback registry.

Interested people would be required to submit their feedback via an online survey.